Sunday, November 15, 2009

15th November 2009

Hi, I'm back online. Just got my internet connection up this Friday. It really feels great to be connected again.

So a few updates. Been staying at my new home for the past 2 weeks and am starting to get use to this new home. House is still bare. Our furnitures have yet to arrive. We have been using the living room as our makeshift bedroom and computer room. Here are some new pictures of the house now.

The Master Bedroom- the wardrobe mirror over looking at the dressing table.

The Kitchen, and the wall that I refuse to let go.

Eric posing for me in the kitchen.

Some Dollies that refuse to stay hidden.

RO Characters- A game that played a huge role in our lives.

TV Corner. Yes, that luggage does look familiar to many. Please, Shh...

TADA! Our makeshift bedroom.

The room that we want to rent out. Yup, the mattress belongs to this bedframe.

The bathroom after its makeover.

The next 2 pictures is just a light that I bought at the Thai fair in Singapore. I think that it is a gorgeous piece of light. We on it every night to find our way in the dark.

Without Flash

With Flash. Ain't it pretty??

So I've been staying at home most of the time. It's kinda getting a little bit depressing. All alone in the house all day, waiting for Mr Poh to be home. I even have thoughts of baby! *sweatness x10* With no internet, it'd been just TV and sleeping. Why I haven try to get out and explore? I still don't know my way home. And, we're really broke. Since I haven't got myself a job, we have been relying only on Eric's income. We couldn't even make it to his buddy's bro's wedding cos we don't have enough for the red packet. Also, we are about 4k in debt for the furnitures. And yeah, I've become FAT... THAT is the most depressing thing of all. I know that some of you are now laughing your ass off right? But please do it behind my back cos i really don't need anyone rubbing salt on my wound. My poor wounded heart...

Okay, enough about my unhappy issues. Here are some happy news. Eric managed to set up my pole! Yeah! *Run around the room* Thankfully the X-Pole is made to be fixed on plaster boards with joists, and the DVD further convinced Eric. I was almost afraid that I have to give up my pole. Now I'm just missing some pole mates to pole jam with. So I guess it will be lots of youtubing and FB to 'compare notes'. 

That was happiness #1. Next, I've sent some resume out for creative art teaching for a weekend school and a events company that does kids events. Hopefully they will like what I can offer and allow me some gigs once a while. I really don't know how to survive without performing. I miss putting make ups now. Lolz. And like what Tania shared with me, life used to be so easy back then. It was just waking up, dance, then sleep. We didn't have much to worry, and life was always full of fun. So let's hope that they will accept me. 

Tomorrow, I will be searching for more event/ performing companies to send my resume. Then I will look for some 'proper' jobs. Hopefully it can tie us over till I can finish my driving lessons and real estate course before I finally get a real estate company to employ me. I can't imagine myself in office attire and what not. But it's inevitable. So I will start my chapter in the corporate world, and start climbing its ladder. The thought actually makes me feel somewhat strange and awkward. 

Happiness #3 is that Eric might have a great job offer. We are keeping our fingers cross. 

Well, now that I've updated here, it's time to clear my mails and FB. I'm missing out sooooo much... Gosh.. But maybe.. tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Dear lovely sis..... muack muack.... miz u so much... finally got ur news online.... welcum back 2 the internet world....

do some exercise 2 get rid of the excess flesh...


Princess Saphire said...

miss u too mei..

eva said...

Hello kel,

Sooo long nvr see ya, think we tried to meet sometime ago when i moved near tiong bahru, but din get to meet in the end.

Be strong k! see if my melbourne cousin got any entertain com contacts will email u. Let me know ur private email add. Email me at msn...