Friday, October 23, 2009

Off Day

Eric and I decided that today is an off day from the house. Thought that we will catch the movie Twilight, only to realise my mistake that it will be out on Nov...

So I was doing some youtubing. With the usual pages that I'd subscribed.

There was the make up tutorial on Lady Gaga's Disco Heaven Album Cover look. I must say that she is good with colors. I guess daring to experiment also helps a lot. I won't have much chance to play with colors for a while. In fact, for the past 2 weeks, I haven touch a single makeup. So I'm pretty excited about the Halloween party next week. I haven decide what to go as and I do not have any outfits that is appropriate for the occasion. Nevertheless, I will still try to get some blood makeup for the dress up party. Hopefully Eric won't forget to bring me.

Another youtube site; The Guild - Do You Wanna Date My Avatar. It brought back memories of my gaming era. I haven been playing mmorpg (can't remember the exact spelling) for quite a while. I remember when I 1st started 5 years ago. I knew nothing about online games. I was such a noob then. It  had taken me 8 hours just to get of the training ground when others took only 15mins. Yeah, I wasn't kidding. Well, that was where I met Eric anyway. Lolz. I think once the house is done, I will start gaming again. Kinda miss playing World of Warcraft. Heard that there's a lot of changes since I was last on. Maybe I will reroll a new character in a RP server instead of PVP one. Think I will survive better there.

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